February 21, 2014

Nearly Half of Companies Turning to a Content Strategy Vendor in 2014

Feeling like you are stuck on the treadmill running at level 10 with no sign of respite in sight? No this is not the typical gym nightmare that keeps a great number of us in bed coming to terms with the thought: “I’ll try to get there tomorrow.” It’s just the everyday job of a 21st century marketer.

The fact is that the role of a marketer is more complex in today’s competitive business landscape than it has ever been before. Just consider the following statistics shared in Eloqua’s “State of Content Marketing 2014” report:

  • 44 percent of marketers consider creating enough content—and targeted content—to be a primary challenge
  • 14 percent struggle with how to understand what content will resonate most with their audience
  • 66 percent of marketers strongly agree that while their companies have optimized their digital marketing strategies they still have a ways to go with their content marketing tactics

Simply put, today’s marketers are drowning in a sea of blogging initiatives, white paper/webinar campaigns, website metrics and social media tactics—with little indication as to which way is up. Accordingly, it comes as no real surprise that an overwhelming 47 percent of companies are now outsourcing their content needs to a third-party content strategy vendor to support them with their content marketing objectives of increasing brand awareness, demonstrating thought leadership, driving sales and amplifying customer acquisition.

So why are content strategy vendors becoming so popular? Let’s take a look at some of the chief reasons why:

1. Solicit Help from the Experts: It can be daunting enough to be responsible for coming up with awe-inspiring slogans, catchy banner ad verbiage and compelling marketing tactics. But throw in the world of digital media—like blogs, white papers, webinars and social media—and the job of a marketer can seem all but impossible. With a great number of marketers proudly going against the stereotypical “jack of all trades, master of none” mentality, it creates the need for a jack of all trades specifically within the marketing department. The right content strategy vendor can master everything from conceptualizing your editorial calendar for your blogging platform to determining how to increase your number of followers on Twitter.

2. Save Money: There is no disputing the fact that hiring a full-time copywriter or editor can burn a hole through your wallet. In fact, the cost of hiring a full-time content writer can run you up to almost $120,000 when you consider their salary, taxes, health care and IT costs. Hiring an outsourcing content strategy vendor, however, is a cost effective measure; not to mention the worry of turnover is eliminated.

3. Increase Your Resource Pool: Your marketing department may have a resident expert on algorithm changes, but does it also boast an award-winning designer? When you enlist the help of a content strategy vendor your resource pool immediately opens up as you can team with the best journalist, marketers, social media strategists and designers out there—without ever breaking the bank.

Want to learn more about outsourcing your content marketing needs? Then click here.


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