December 01, 2014

In the Final Stretch - Why a Content Strategy Should be Top Priority for 2015

It’s officially the first day of December. Ask yourself: What business goals do you have planned for the year to come? For example, is 2015 the year your company will secure innovative revenue streams, solidify existing customer relationships or forge strategic new partnerships?

The fact of the matter is that only 31 days stand between your organization and its 2015 strategic initiatives. Before you know it, your teams will be returning from their holiday vacations expecting to hit the ground running with quarter one initiatives. What many business leaders may not know, however, is that enhancing their content marketing efforts can help align their organization with its core business processes and goals.

When positioned as a core vehicle fueling one’s 2015 trajectory, content marketing can secure recurring revenue, strengthen customer acquisition and retention rates and more. Just consider the fact that over 60 percent of CEOs consult their top marketers when discussing strategic business approaches, according to IBM. Even more, over half of marketers plan to boost their content marketing budgets in 2015.

2015 needs to be a big year for your company. If you weren’t part of the 95 percent of CMOs that said content marketing was very important to their business strategy in 2014, do you plan to be in 2015? If so, you need a game plan. If you haven’t created one yet, we suggest checking into Content Boost and TMC’s upcoming webinar, “Jump-start Your New Year with the Right Content Strategy,” taking place Tuesday, December 16 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET.

During this webinar, moderated by yours truly, we will sit down with TMC CEO and Group Editor-in-Chief Rich Tehrani and Content Boost Director of Content Marketing Carrie Majewski to discuss why the content marketing industry is experiencing such exponential growth; how content marketing and long-term objectives go hand in hand; and, of course, how to implement a sound content strategy for 2015.

Now is the perfect time to get a head start on your content marketing efforts before heading off for the holidays. The webinar is designed to meet attendees at every level of expertise, whether you’re a content marketing professional looking to take your existing program to new heights or a beginner seeking a step-by-step approach to getting started with content marketing.

Research from the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) shows that the average B2B marketer is working on an average 13 marketing initiatives leading into 2015 including everything from creating more engaging content to measuring content ROI. We highly encourage you to join us for this free webinar to learn more about how you can sharpen new or existing marketing initiatives for 2015. 

Click here to register now—we hope to see you there! In the meantime, if you have any questions about content marketing or how a content strategy vendor can help your organization, click here to connect with Content Boost’s expert team. We’d love to keep the conversation going.

Edited by Stefania Viscusi

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