July 24, 2014


Did you know that 65 percent of all email gets opened first on a mobile device? For marketers, this means that your antennae should be up, searching for the best mobile email marketing strategy.

Crafting a strategy for mobile is far different than creating a strategy for traditional email marketing. For one thing, mobile messages don’t get more than a mere second of consumers’ attention, meaning the content you provide has to be engaging. According to Campaigner’s annual “Mobile Trends Survey,” 45 percent of respondents are inspired to open mobile marketing emails due to both compelling text and graphics, whereas only 2 percent are motivated solely by graphics.

So, how do you boost consumer engagement and sales with mobile email marketing content? Try the following tips and tricks:

Target your key audience: First, create buyer personas to drill down on customer preferences and demographics. Using buyer personas, determine what tone to take when delivering messages to these different segments—perhaps more casual for millennials and more informative for baby boomers. Then create targeted campaigns with consistent and actionable custom content for these various audiences.

Ensure your subject lines are personalized and compelling: Use A/B split testing to determine which subject lines resonate best with readers. To begin, keep your subject lines short (50 characters or less); descriptive (tell what’s inside, don’t sell); and engaging (give the reader a reason to explore your message further).

Make it mobile-friendly: What do your metrics tell you about your current mobile design strategy?  If open rates are low, refresh your content to be more mobile-friendly.  Ensure your messages are concise; concentrate on the crucial content as screen space is limited. Place important copy, calls to action and links to social channels near the top where users can find them—and make sure the link or button is easy to click.

With the vast majority of emails being opening via mobile devices, it’s important to ensure that you have a solid mobile email marketing strategy in place. So, what are you waiting for? Start revising your strategy before the summer turns to fall.

To learn more about email marketing best practices and content marketing, sign up for our eNews here.

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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