March 27, 2015

Struggling With Digital Marketing Efforts? How a Content Strategy Vendor Can Help

As a small business owner, think about your typical workday for a moment: From getting all your employees organized to handling paperwork and calls to appeasing customers, it’s most likely a hectic 12-plus hour day with little to no time to breathe. If you’re constantly trying to cut out tasks to make time for digital marketing, don’t worry because you’re not alone.

In fact, a majority of small business owners are struggling with how to manage digital media. According to a recent study from Thrive Analytics, more than three-quarters of SMBs say they lack the time or knowledge to effectively manage digital media. What’s more, 7 out of 10 small business owners wish they were able to leverage digital media to help expand their companies and acquire new customers.

The reality is these business owners are so busy dealing with the daily activities of running their business, that they don’t have enough time to become digital marketing experts. Nonetheless, they know how important the strategy is to their businesses’ success and many are willing to increase their budgets for digital marketing, according to the study.

So where should these troubled business owners turn?

Partnering with a content strategy vendor can go a long way in solving small business owners’ problems. Instead of scrambling to address the multitude of digital marketing tasks on their own, officials can enlist the services of a content strategy vendor that can provide them with as much or as little assistance they need. These vendors are up-to-date on all the latest digital marketing trends, and can support marketing initiatives from custom content creation to social media management to brand strategy.

Let’s say, for example, that you haven’t posted to your blog and/or social media accounts in the last month because you’ve been trying to catch up with the mountain of invoices on your desk. This is a classic sign that you need the help of a content strategy vendor. This partner can deliver a steady flow of high-quality, engaging copy for your business, which can fill your blogs, social newsfeeds, email marketing campaigns, website subpages and more.

What’s more, by bringing in a team of outside marketing experts, you can gain a fresh perspective. In the past, for example, you might have thought product-centric copy would engage prospects. But it actually might what’s turning away consumers.  A content strategy vendor will bring the outside perspective that is often missing as strategies are conceived.

Want to learn more about outsourcing your digital marketing needs to a content strategy vendor? Click here to find out how Content Boost can help.

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