August 23, 2013

Twitter's Amplify Service Off to a Roaring Success

Social networking giant Twitter certainly didn’t spend the past few summer months basking in the sun, enjoying the typical onset of summer sluggishness. The company was too busy charging forward on the innovation front, most recently announcing the widespread availability of Twitter Amplify, its latest TV ad-targeting service.

Here’s a refresher of what you may have missed while vacationing the past few weeks.

Earlier in May, Twitter revealed the beta version of its brand new service, designed to change the way media players and advertisers share their stories and commercials. According to the company, social media has forever changed the way in which we consume TV content. With platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest at just a finger’s reach, we no longer give 100 percent of our attention to a program. Alternatively, we tweet, pin and post status updates about the content we are absorbing in real-time.

Understanding how powerful this information could be to marketers, Twitter decided to do something about it.

Amplify—which, according to Twitter executives, allows “marketers to continue the story of their TV advertising on Twitter”—is designed to better pair companies with their loyal brand proponents. To understand how it works, picture the following: Nike launches a TV ad campaign (shared during the commercial breaks of multiple TV shows across a myriad of networks). Twitter’s TV ad-targeting solution intelligently watches and catalogues all the times and shows the Nike ad aired, where Amplify then canvasses Twitter to identify those who are tweeting about that show. As a result, Nike can send targeted tweets to viewers who likely saw their commercial.

Twitter’s latest service has already received the stamp of approval from many major media players—even though it has only been officially available to all U.S. advertisers running national TV spots for a few weeks. These media companies include: Viacom, Conde Nast,, BBC America, FOX, ESPN and The Weather Channel.  

Statistics indicate that the new solution is proving exceedingly beneficial for advertisers, as Twitter found that those individuals exposed to a TV ad and a Promoted Tweet demonstrated a 95 percent stronger message association and 58 percent higher purchase intent, compared to users who were only exposed to the message on TV. In addition, advertisers using TV ad targeting generated engagement rates that were 27 percent higher than their historical average.

As a marketer, there is no denying the power of Twitter. In fact, a recent Forbes article explains that 82 percent of social media leads originate from Twitter, making it the strongest social media channel for generating B2B leads and outperforming Facebook and LinkedIn 9-to-1. With Twitter’s Amplify service, not only can B2B companies enjoy lead generation success from Twitter, but B2C companies across all verticals can as well.

For more on Amplify, check out the video below. 

Edited by Allison Boccamazzo

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