February 04, 2014

Tapping into the Digital Consumer with Content Marketing

Today, consumers can’t live without their mobile devices, whether it’s their smartphone, tablet or e-reader. In fact, studies suggest 90 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds sleep with their smartphones. Moreover, more than half of American adults own smartphones and about one-third of them own tablets. Data suggests that it’s very likely more and more Americans will adopt both forms of technology as we move into the future.

Years ago, when customers made purchasing decisions, they would generally do some tangential research and make up their minds in an almost predictable manner. But today, with the rise of mobile devices, customers are constantly reevaluating their purchasing decisions, comparing specs, price points and other features before deciding to open their wallets. That’s because a plethora of information is always at their fingertips, and when the opportunity arises, they will access that information in order to make more informed decisions.

We’ve entered the age of the digital customer, and forward-thinking marketers who understand this are already leveraging digital content marketing to establish themselves as thought leaders, increase their brand awareness and bolster their customer base. By doing so, they’re making a conscious effort to develop strong, mutually beneficial and long-term relationships with their customers, grabbing as big a slice of the economic pie—a pie that might be as big as $5.9 trillion—as possible.

As consumers increasingly turn toward digital channels—89 percent of those recently surveyed indicated they use at least one online channel when prospecting with an average of three digital channels—marketers are in a prime position to connect with consumers directly by implementing strong content marketing strategies. Prior to making purchasing decisions, customers want access to rich information geared toward helping them narrow down their choices and helping them make informed decisions. By crafting customized digital content and supplying it to consumers via social media, infographics, news articles, blogs, webinars, white papers, case studies and more, marketers lay the groundwork of a strong foundation upon which the relationship between their company and their customers is fostered.

And that is precisely where content marketing comes into play. By creating engaging digital content that is easily accessible from mobile devices, marketers are able to supply their customers with the information they want and need to leverage when making purchasing decisions. The better and more targeted the content, the stronger the bond between consumer and business will be.

Recent research indicates that companies are not doing all they can to keep existing customers when in fact that’s all they should be doing, as it costs six to seven times more to acquire a new one. Still, 66 percent of customers switched companies due to having a poor experience with a business. Of those, 82 percent said they felt as though the company could have done something to prevent them from switching—like adding value through strong content marketing initiatives.

In today’s consumer-driven world, marketers simply cannot avoid digital advertising. The more targeted and customized those advertisements are—and in turn, the more robust a businesses’ content marketing strategy is—the more consumers are likely to consult such a brand prior to opening their wallets.

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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