September 22, 2014

How Do Successful Content Marketers Stand Out? Here are Three Ways

All of the surveys, research and statistics continue to tell the same story—companies will spend more on content marketing in the coming years than ever before.

In fact, content marketing is the area in which companies are most likely to be increasing investment in the coming year, with 74 percent of companies indicating they will spend more on this in the future, according to the Econsultancy/Responsys Marketing Budgets report. Furthermore, the report states that marketing budgets are the most buoyant they’ve been since the launch of the inaugural survey during the height of the economic crisis.

That being said, it’s paramount that businesses pull out all the stops to guarantee this marketing strategy delivers solid ROI. However, many campaigns continue to fall short as only 36 percent of B2B marketers and 32 percent of B2C marketers believe they are effective or very effective at content marketing, according to the Content Marketing Institute.

You might be wondering why some campaigns fail while others achieve access. Well, it has a lot to do with the team you have in place. It takes an all-star group of marketers with specific skill sets to build a successful content marketing program. Check out three things successful content marketers do differently than the rest:

  • Ensure High-Quality Content: First-rate content marketers are particularly selective when it comes to what content should be pushed out to the public. They will determine its potential to generate interest and traffic, while ensuring that the brand is only associated with high-quality content that adds value. These content marketers will stay on top of industry happenings to guarantee content is up-to-date and relevant. For instance, they will keep up on any groundbreaking research and studies in the specific industry, in addition to learning about the audience’s interests. 
  • Create Compelling Presentations: While writing is a key part of a content marketer’s duties, it’s also essential that a content marketer presents the information in a compelling way so the content captures the audience’s interest. Superior content marketers will leverage a range of effective content mediums from infographics to white papers to videos to tell a brand’s story in the best way possible, while unsuccessful content marketers fail to explore them. For example, they can leverage convincing statistics from a recent research study and place them strategically in an infographic, making the content visually appealing and ensuring the information sticks with the viewers.
  • Organize Time Wisely: Content marketers’ plates are full each and every day; top-rate content marketers will understand how to effectively divide that plate up and have no leftovers by the end of the day, while ineffective ones struggle with finishing every bite. To accomplish each task, content marketers need to plan detailed schedules, sometimes up to the specific hour for each day of the week. The ones who fail will prioritize their least important tasks first and they end up rushing on high-priority projects, which negatively impacts the quality of their work. 

Looking for a content marketing expert to help enhance your marketing campaign today? Click here to see how we can help you at Content Boost.

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